
  • Roza S IBRAGIMOVA Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Аssilbek А YESSIRKEPOV Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University
  • Gulbanu Т DOSBERDIYEVA Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Кuralay Zh ZHUMABAYEVA Al-Farabi Kazakh National University



temporomandibular joint malfunction, children and adolescents living in orphanages


Diseases of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) occur in 20-76% of the population, of which up to 70-89% are functional joint disorders. In children and adolescents, TMJ dysfunction occurs in 14-20%. Among the variety of pathogenetic factors in the development of this pathology, the most important are: stress, psychological disorders, imbalance in the tone of the masticatory muscles, occlusive disharmony.

Purpose of the study. To study the prevalence of symptoms of TMJ dysfunction, including prenosological, in children and adolescents living in orphanages.

Material and research methods. The frequency of occurrence of symptoms of functional disorders of the TMJ, including prenosological, was studied in 331 children and adolescents living in orphanages. The comparison group consisted of 218 students of secondary school No. 30 in the city of Almaty.

Results and discussion. These symptoms were found in 32.62% of children and adolescents living in orphanages in the city of Almaty, and in 35.32% of practically healthy individuals, and their frequency increased with age. More common in girls. In different combinations there were revealed the dislocation of the middle inter-incisive line, pain on palpation of the masseter muscles, joint noise, malopening mouth. Dentofacial anomalies were more often observed in children and adolescents with certain symptoms of functional disorders of the temporomandibular joint.


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