
  • Sholpan A KULZHANOVA Astana Medical University
  • Gaukhar A NURAKHMETOVA Astana Medical University
  • Maya E KONKAEVA Astana Medical University
  • Zauresh K SMAGULOVA Astana Medical University



acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI), influenza, enisamium iodide (amizone), antiviral therapy, clinical efficacy, safety


The list of etiotropic drugs recommended for the treatment of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections is not very large and requires sufficient justification for rational tactics of their use. In accordance with the WHO strategy for combating influenza and SARS, it is necessary to continue research to study the clinical efficacy of antiviral drugs with a combined effect - etiotropic, pathogenetic and symptomatic. Enisamium iodide is one of such drugs for etiotropic and pathogenetic therapy of ARVI.
Aim. To evaluate the clinical efficacy of the drug enisamium iodide (amizone) in the complex therapy of acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI).
Material and methods. The randomized study included 40 patients who were treated during the epidemic season of influenza and ARVI 2019. Patients of the main group received enisamium iodide along with symptomatic therapy, the control group received only symptomatic therapy. The clinical efficacy of treatment was assessed by the duration of the main clinical symptoms of ARVI, the proportion of patients who developed complications requiring antibiotics. Statistical processing of the obtained data was carried out using the SPSS 12.0.2 software for Windows.
Results and discussion. The results of a randomized study showed the clinical efficacy and safety of amizone (enisamium iodide) in the complex treatment of acute respiratory viral infections of various etiologies, compared with the use of only symptomatic therapy drugs. The duration of fever and the main clinical symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections were statistically significantly less in the study group than in the control group. Accordingly, the proportion of patients whose body temperature returned to normal on days 2–3 of treatment was statistically significantly higher in the group of patients taking enisamium iodide. Complications requiring antibiotic prescription have been reported only in control patients. Also, the drug was well tolerated and there were no side effects during its use.
Conclusions. The results obtained confirmed that enisamium a iodide (amizon) has a good clinical effect in ARVI, reduces the likelihood of complications in patients. The high sensitivity of various respiratory viruses to the drug allows it to be used without etiological decoding of ARVI.


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