
  • Leila S APPAZOVA Karaganda Medical Universitу
  • Lyudmila L AKMALTDINOVA Karaganda Medical Universitу



endometriosis, immune system, cytokines, autoantibodies


The article analyzes the literature data on the immune system and endometriosis. The features of the immune system, as well as the mechanisms of endometriosis development in the case of immune system dysfunction, are considered.
Aim. To study the role of the immune system in the pathogenesis of endometriosis.
Material and methods. To analyze the literature, we searched for information about this problem up to 10 years deep in PubMed/MEDLINE, PMC, and Web of Sсiеnce. The following terms were used individually or in combination: "genital endometriosis", "immune system", "cytokines", "autoantibodies". The search criteria were key studies related to genital endometriosis and the immune system: meta-analyses, original studies, retrospective and cohort studies.
Results and discussion. There is a need to improve understanding of the potential origin of the General immunopathophysiology of endometriosis in order to identify therapeutic target areas that may allow relief or, ultimately, prevention of this disease. Immunological markers in this aspect have certain prospects.
Conclusion. Although the role of cytokines in the development of endometriosis has been determined, it is not well understood. In this regard, it is difficult to clearly determine how they affect the pathogenesis of endometriosis.


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