
  • Gulnara A JUNUSBEKOVA Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University
  • Meiramgu K TUNDYBAYEVA Public Association “Society of Specialists in Arterial Hypertension and Cardiovascular Prevention"
  • Tatyana N LEONOVICH Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University
  • Manshuk S YESHNIYAZOVA City Polyclinic №34
  • Rizvangul Y NAMATOVA Kazakh Medical University of Continuing Education
  • Saira H ALIMBAYEVA City Cardiological Center
  • Gani K TULEPBERGENOV City Cardiological Center



arterial hypertension, lisinopril, amlodipine, VivaCor


Arterial hypertension (AH) remains one of the most common diseases in the world. Reducing cardiovascular risk of mortality from cardiovascular complications is a priority in the treatment of hypertension. Targets of hypertension therapy is to achieve SBP/DBP <140/80 mm Hg. article, regardless of cardiovascular risk and comorbidity. The choice of antihypertensive therapy depends on blood pressure levels, the presence or absence of concomitant diseases, lesion of target organs. Effective and long-lasting control of AH proved by the use of combinations of antihypertensive drugs, including antagonists and ACE inhibitors.
The purpose of the study. Evaluation of clinical efficacy and safety of fixed combination antihypertensive therapy using lisinopril combined with amlodipine in patients with hypertension.
Material and methods. The study included 30 respondents from essential hypertension II-III degree (ESH/ESC, 2018) aged 35 to 75 years. Patients were treated with the schema a (lisinopril 10 mg, amlodipine 5 mg) and scheme b (lisinopril 20 mg, amlodipine 10 mg) fixed combination therapy with the drug VivaCor® once in the morning. The period of observation was 3 months. At the time of inclusion and at the end of the study all respondents was performed echocardiography, daily monitoring of blood pressure, evaluation of laboratory and instrumental methods of research.
Results and discussion. The combination of lisinopril with amlodipine has a fairly high antihypertensive activity, provides a significant cardioprotective effect and is an integral part of antihypertensive therapy in the long-term strategy of administering patients with high hypertensive / very high total cardiovascular risk.
1. The use of a fixed combination of lisinopril and amlodipine in patients with hypertension instead of free or other two-component combinations leads to its target level within 3 months of therapy.
2. Taking a fixed combination of lisinopril and amlodipine is effective and safe.
3. Therapy using the combined drug VivaCor® in patients with high / very high risk of hypertension prevents further pathological remodeling of the heart.
4. The combination of amlodipine and lisinopril is metabolically neutral and well tolerated by patients.


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