
  • Aizhan S TURMAGAMBETOVA Research and Production Center for Microbiology and Virology
  • Andrey P BOGOYAVLENSKIY Research and Production Center for Microbiology and Virology
  • Pavel G ALEXYUK Research and Production Center for Microbiology and Virology
  • Madina S ALEXYUK Research and Production Center for Microbiology and Virology
  • Vladimir E BEREZIN Research and Production Center for Microbiology and Virology




betulin, isorhamnetin, nobiletin, hesperidin, adaptive immunity, Th1 immunity, genes expression.


The high variability of the influenza virus leads to its rapid adaptation to drugs and vaccines, which requires a change in the strategy and tactics against influenza infection. A deeper understanding of the nature of innate and adaptive immunity for influenza infection is required to create more effective means of influenza preventing and treating.
The aim of the work was to study the changes in the levels of the main markers of specific Th1 antiviral immunity after introduction of a composite immunostimulant based on biologically active compounds of plant origin.
Material and methods. Composite immunostimulants were mixed of purified pentacyclic triterpenoid betulin with purified methoxy flavonoids: nobiletin, hesperidin and isorhamnetin glycoside of plant origin. The expression level of the studied genes was determined by PCR. The genes IL-1, IL-2, and Ccr5 were chosen as markers of the Th1 immune response.
Results and discussion. It was shown that immunostimulants compositions based on a combination of betulin with methoxy flavonoids (isorhamnetin glycoside, hesperidin and nobiletin) can significantly stimulate the expression of studied genes of Th1 cellular stage of the immune response. The highest activity of stimulating in expression of selected marker genes was found for the IL-2 gene (11-fold increase in expression activity), the smallest for the Ccr5 chemokine gene (2.2-fold increase in expression activity).
Conclusions. The results show that immunostimulants compositions based on the combination of purified triterpene betulin glycoside with purified methoxy flavonoids can significantly effect on the structure of a specific immune response, which is of great importance for the creation of new preventive and therapeutic antiviral preparations.


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