Privacy Statement

Manuscripts submitted to the editorial board of the journal "Medicina" are reviewed with due respect for the confidentiality of the authors. By submitting their manuscripts for review, the authors trust the editorial staff to review the results of their scholarly work and creative efforts that may determine their reputation and career. Authors' rights may be violated if confidential information is disclosed during the review of manuscripts. Reviewers are also entitled to the confidentiality maintained by the editorial board. Privacy may be compromised if dishonesty or fraud occurs, but in other cases it is mandatory.

The editorial board does not disclose information about the manuscripts (including their receipt, content, status in the review process, criticism of reviewers, or final fate) to anyone other than authors and reviewers. This includes requests for the use of legitimate material.

The editorial board makes it clear to its reviewers that the submitted manuscripts are a privileged and private property of the authors. Reviewers and editors should respect the rights of authors without discussing their work publicly or giving their ideas to the publication of the manuscript. Reviewers are not allowed to make copies of manuscripts for their files, and it is forbidden to transfer them to other persons, except with the permission of the editor. Reviewers must return or destroy copies of the manuscripts after submitting reviews. The editorial board does not keep copies of the rejected manuscripts.

Reviewers' comments cannot be published or otherwise published without the permission of the reviewer, author and editor.

Authors should consult the Guidelines for Authors of the Journal to which they have decided to submit the manuscript in order to determine whether the reviews are anonymous. If no comments are signed, the reviewers' personalities should not be disclosed to the author or anyone else without the permission of the reviewers.

The publication of the reviewer's reviews together with the manuscript is not permitted without the consent of the authors and reviewers. However, reviewers' comments can be sent to others who are reviewing the same manuscript, which helps reviewers understand the review process. Reviewers may also be notified of the editor's decision to accept or reject the manuscrip