
  • Togzhan J ABDIKALIKOVA Medical University of Karaganda
  • Lyudmila G TURGUNOVA Medical University of Karaganda
  • Botagoz N BAIDILDINA Medical University of Karaganda
  • Zhanar Sh Mursalova Medical University of Karaganda




chronic kidney disease, cardiovascular disease, glomerular filtration rate, biomarkers, endocan


The relevance of the work is due to the high prevalence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) among the population and high mortality from cardiovascular disease (CVD) in this population. In this connection, it is necessary to search for new biomarkers in order to early identify individuals with cardiovascular risk in patients with CKD.

The purpose of this study to assess the endocan level in patients with CKD depending on the glomerular filtration rate (GFR), to study the relationship between the endocan level and other cardiovascular risk factors in patients with CKD.

Material and methods. 153 respondents with various stages of CKD were examined. The study included socio-demographic, anthropometric data, blood pressure measurements, cholesterol, high density lipoprotein (HDL), triglycerides (TG), glucose and endocan. Data analysis was performed using the statistical software package SPSS 22.

Results and discussion. The respondents in the groups did not differ in such indicators as gender, age, marital status, frequency of active smoking, diabetes, body mass index (BMI). Significant differences were found in the level of education (p=0.04), income (p=0.008), systolic pressure (SBP) (p=0.0001) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) (p=0.0001). Levels of total cholesterol (cholesterol), (p=0.0001), uric acid (p=0.0001), cystatin C (p=0.0001) and endocan (p=0.0001) also had significant differences depending on GFR.

Conclusion. A comparative analysis of the frequency of “traditional” cardiovascular risk factors among patients with various stages of CKD showed the absence of differences in the frequency of active smoking, diabetes mellitus, obesity and the presence of significant differences in blood pressure and total cholesterol (p = 0.0001). Evaluation of the endocan level depending on the stage of CKD showed that with the progression of CKD, the endocan level increases significantly (p = 0.0001), which may indicate the progression of endothelial dysfunction with impaired renal function. Further studies are needed to determine the prognostic value of endocan in the development of cardiovascular events in patients with CKD.


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