
  • Maksat O DOSKHAN National Scientific Center of Surgery n.a. A. N. Syzganov"
  • Zhanargul B KABDEKENOVA National Scientific Center of Surgery n.a. A. N. Syzganov"
  • Daniyar E MUKAZHANOV National Scientific Center of Surgery n.a. A. N. Syzganov"
  • Baglan T ASKEEV National Scientific Center of Surgery n.a. A. N. Syzganov"
  • Zhansila I ISMET Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University
  • Kamila K SHARMETOVA Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University
  • Zhasulan B BAYMAKHANOV National Scientific Center of Surgery n.a. A. N. Syzganov"
  • Erbol SERIKULY National Scientific Center of Surgery n.a. A. N. Syzganov"
  • Shokan A KANIEV National Scientific Center of Surgery n.a. A. N. Syzganov"
  • Aidar S SKAKBAYEV National Scientific Center of Surgery n.a. A. N. Syzganov"
  • Manas A SEISEMBAYEV National Scientific Center of Surgery n.a. A. N. Syzganov"
  • Almat T CHORMANOV National Scientific Center of Surgery n.a. A. N. Syzganov"
  • Bolat B BAYMAKHANOV National Scientific Center of Surgery n.a. A. N. Syzganov"
  • Galina K KAUSSOVA Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University
  • Ardak M AUEZOVA Kazakhstan Medical University "Higher School of Public Health"
  • Marzhan D BRIMZHANOVA Kazakhstan Medical University "Higher School of Public Health"



organ transplantation, donor, opinion of the population of Kazakhstan


Goal. Find out the opinion of the Kazakh population about post-mortem organ donation to save the lives of patients with terminal diseases of organs in need of transplantation.

Material and methods. The survey was conducted in the form of an anonymous online questionnaire. Our study involved 1176 people, of these, 309 are male and 867 are female. The survey participants were citizens of different regions of the country and different nationalities, the average age of the participants was 38.7±1 years (18-73 years).

Results and discussion. 422 participants (36%) agreed to become a posthumous donor, and 644 (55%) refused to donate. 88 (7.6%) of the participants doubted their choice, the other 22 participants did not answer this question.

During the survey, out of 1,176 respondents, 991 (84%) participants know that organ transplantation is being carried out in the country, of which 384 (38.7%) participants agree to post-mortem donation, and 607 (61.2%) participants refuse post-mortem donation.

185 (16%) participants are not informed that organ transplantation is being performed in the country, of which 49 (26.5%) participants agree to post-mortem donation, and 136 (73.5%) participants refuse post-mortem donation.

As a result, it was found that informed participants agreed to post-mortem donation in 38.7% of cases, and uninformed participants agreed in only 26.5% of cases.

Conclusion. For the development of organ transplantation from a cadaveric donor in Kazakhstan, it is necessary to inform the population about organ transplants carried out in large transplant centers of the country, and with good long-term results, to inform the population about the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan on organ transplantation. It is very important for the population to guarantee security and huge support from the government of the country.

In addition, for the development of organ transplantation from a posthumous donor in Kazakhstan, a lot depends not only on the population of the country itself, but also on social, moral, ethical, economic, and humanitarian support from the state government.

Organ transplantation from a post-mortem donor is one of the most complex types of medical care, requiring a high level of professional and material support and coordinated actions at all levels of management. This area cannot develop without the support of society, the government, as well as without a positive view of the population


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Republican Center for the Coordination of Transplantation and High-Tech Medical Services M3 RK. Available from: info@




