
  • Meruert M TEMİROVA Astana Medical University
  • Serik S ISKAKOV Astana Medical University



pubis dysfunction, pregnancy, delivery


The problem of an acceptable choice of the method of delivery for symphysis pubis dysfunction is relevant in modern obstetrics. Since the incidence of this condition varies between 1 in 300 and 1 in 30,000 pregnancies. And such a large variation in the frequency of symphysis pubis dysfunction is explained by the lack of a clear terminology for this disease, pathogenesis, and uniform diagnostic criteria.

Purpose of the study. Analysis and comparative characteristics of pregnant women with pubis symphysis diastasis and clinical dysfunction of the pubis symphysis and without it.

Material and methods. A retrospective analysis of 1210 birth histories and exchange cards of pregnant women in the period from 2015 to 2019.

Results and discussion. In the group with clinical manifestations of pubic symphysis dysfunction, with overweight and obese of I, II, III degrees, as well as with diseases of the blood, cardiovascular system and endocrine disorders. And the group without clinical manifestations of pubic symphysis dysfunction consisted of multigravida with normal body weight.

Conclusions. Vaginal delivery preferred by method of delivery for pregnant women with or without clinical manifestations of pubic symphysis, associated with minimal risk of pubis symphysis rupture.


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