Series of COVID-19 outbreaks in several settlements of Mangistau REGION OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN


  • Marat S Syzdykov Aykimbayev National Scientific Center for Especially Dangerous Infections
  • Lyudmila V Byurabekova Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Nurkan O Sadvakasov Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Andrey N Kuznetsov Aykimbayev National Scientific Center for Especially Dangerous Infections
  • Toktasyn K Yerubayev Aykimbayev National Scientific Center for Especially Dangerous Infections
  • Svetlana F Daulbayeva Kazakhstan-Russian Medical University



COVID-19, Kazakhstan, outbreaks


COVID-19 is a severe disease, which mainly affects respiratory system and causes lung failure. The disease spread dramatically over the world, including Kazakhstan. Between March 13 and September 30, 2020, a total of 107,979 laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19 were registered in the republic.
The aim of the study was to describe the epidemiological characteristics of COVID-19 outbreaks in five localities of Beyneu and Karakiya districts of Mangistau region of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Methods. A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out in Mangistau region for the period from 31 May 2020 till 06 June 2020 to investigate the epidemiological characteristics of several COVID-19 outbreaks, and to assess the effectiveness of implemented intervention.
Results. In the Mangistau region, in the oil production area, five outbreaks of COVID-19 were registered: two in the Beyneu region (Beyneu settlement and Borankul village), one in the Karakiyan region (Senek village) and two at the Kalamkas and Zhetibay oil fields, where there were foci with the number of cases from two to 100 cases.
Discussion. The main reason for the spread of the disease was overcrowding and cross-contact between oilfield workers, which influenced the registration of outbreaks among workers in field camps. The active movement of workers between camps, the involvement of medical workers with no experience in using PPE to work at checkpoints and local hospitals, as well as the presence of a confirmed case of COVID-19 at funerals where participants did not use respiratory protection also influenced the spread of infection.
Conclusions. This article describes the epidemiologic features of the outbreak series in five settlements located in the oil production zone of Mangistau region of Kazakhstan during May - June of 2020. An exponential increase in numbers of COVID-19 patients in Beyneu district appeared to be caused by exposure among the members of in canteens and dormitories for shift workers in oil-producing areas with the additional community- and hospital-transmission.


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