
  • Dilyara R KAIDAROVA Kazakh Research Institute of Oncology and Radiology
  • Gulnur S IGISSINOVА Asfendiyarov Kazak National Medical University
  • Saule A YESSENKULOVA Asfendiyarov Kazak National Medical University
  • Tolkyn T SADYKOVА Asfendiyarov Kazak National Medical University
  • Ayjan K DJAKYPBAEVA Asfendiyarov Kazak National Medical University



cervical cancer, STI infections, papillomavirus, primary and secondary prevention


This article analyzes the role of sexually transmitted infections, which are one of the risk factors in the occurrence of cervical cancer. The directions of preventive measures regarding the prevention of cervical cancer are presented.
Aim. To analyze the role of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) on the development of cervical cancer.
Material and methods. The material used was clinical and diagnostic examinations of 180 patients on the bases of polyclinics №4, №26, «SunАrМed» Medical Center, data from the "cancer register" of the Kazakh research Institute of Oncology and radiology for 2014-2015. When contacting women, they collected complaints, history, gynecological examination, examination in mirrors, a fence from the cervix and cervical canal for oncocytological examination, an enzyme immunoassay for viral infections, as well as chlamydia, ureаplasma, trichomonosis, gardnerellosis, sexually transmitted infections.
Results and discussion. The distribution by number of infections among 180 women was as follows: one infection - 42 (23.3%), two infections - 89 (49.4%), three or more infections - 49 (27.2%). From the presence of STI infections, the examined patients were diagnosed with cytomegalovirus - 63, genetic herpes - 52, ureаplasmosis - 32, chlamydia - 28, trichomoniasis - 26, candidiasis - 29, gardnerellosis - 18, papillomavirus infection - 12. During the examination, more often pseudoeroias were diagnosed - 126, cervicitis - 43, and polyps - 11. Cytological examination showed in most cases dystrophic changes in the cervical epithelium with varying degrees of damage to the layers. Dysplastic changes in Cytology smears were observed in 34 patients (18.8%), of which mild to moderate dysplasia prevailed (16%).
Conclusion. Evaluating the results obtained, it can be noted that the chronic inflammatory process of the cervix affects the processes of metaplasia in ectopias (proliferation and differentiation of reserve cells) and in some cases can lead to the development of dysplasia.


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