
  • Madina D MURZABAYEVA City polyclinic No. 1




rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, golimumab, efficacy


Genetic engineering drugs are used to treat rheumatic diseases. Based on the results of multicenter studies, the effectiveness and safety of golimumab, a representative of the group of tumor necrosis factor inhibitors in various categories of patients, was proved..
Purpose of research.To evaluate the effectiveness of golimumab in the treatment of ankylosing spondylitis and rheumatoid arthritis.
Material and methods.The efficacy of golimumab was analyzed based on clinical and laboratory data in 7 patients with ankylosing spondylitis and 6 patients with rheumatoid arthritis. These studies are described against the background of a one-year follow-up of patients.
Results and discussion. The observation group consisted of 7 patients with ankylosing spondylarthritis (as) and 6 patients with a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis. In all patients with (as) at the beginning of the study, the BASDAI index >6 points, and in 5 patients, the ASDASRB index was 3.5±0.45. In 4 patients with the diagnosis (as), the BASFI index was 7±0.67, and in three patients-5±0.3. the BASMI Index in all studied patients revealed pronounced disorders and was 7.5±0.85. Positive dynamics was observed during golimumab therapy. A patient with a high degree of BASDAI activity >6 showed improvement on the 4th injection of golimumab, the Average score of BASDAI and BASFI indices on golimumab was lower by the 20th week, compared with the start of therapy. By the 24th week of therapy, the BASDAI index was down 31%.
The follow-up group with the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis consisted of 6 patients, including 1 male and 5 female, with an average age of 38±0.5 years. In a male patient, the DAS-28 index was 5.2±0.06, the SDAI index was 27±0.05, and the CDAI index was 23±0.03. In women, the DAS-28 index was 3.8±0.03, and the SDAI index was 19±0.3 in 5 patients, and the CDAI index was 20±0.3. after adding golimumab, the General condition of all patients improved clinically after the second injection, and all indicators of inflammatory activity decreased. Golimumab is a human monoclonal antibody to tumor necrosis factor (TNF)α. The effect of golimumab is due to the binding and neutralization of soluble and membrane-bound forms of TNF)α. TNF)α. it is a cytokine detected in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylarthritis.
Conclusion. Against the background of the use of golimumab, the clinical effect was noted in the form of complete relief of joint pain and positive dynamics according to the studied laboratory parameters.


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