
  • Askar K BUKATOV Semey Medical University
  • Akhmetkali Z DYUSSUPOV Semey Medical University
  • Sabyrbek A DZHUMABEKOV Research Center of Traumatology and Orthopedics
  • Olga T VAN Semey Medical University
  • Aldyar E MASSALOV Semey Medical University
  • Meyram B ZHANDAULETOVA Semey Medical University




fractures, extra focal osteosynthesis, minimally invasive, knitting needles with persistent pads


Fractures of the lower limb not only lead to temporary disability, they can also be the cause of a patient's permanent disability. Despite numerous treatment methods, there is currently no precise definite technique. The requirement for all fracture treatment methods is minimally invasive and minimal complications. One of such methods for treatment shin bone fractures is extrafocal uniplanar osteosynthesis.
Purpose. To evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment of extrafocal uniplanar transosseous osteosynthesis in case of fractures of the shin bones.
Material and methods. The results of the treatment of 98 patients with a shin bone fracture treated with the new technique, developed and tested by uniplanar transosseous osteosynthesis in the Emergency Hospital, Department of Polytrauma and Orthosurgery, are shown for the first time. Patients were divided into two groups, in the 1st group of the research (GR) we used the proposed technique, in the 2nd group of the comparison (GC) was used the G.A. Ilizarov method.
Results and discussion. In group patients with GR, the duration of inpatient treatment was halved, the positive results of treatment increased by 1.4 times, and the terms of outpatient treatment were also significantly reduced. Negative treatment results were reduced by 2.6 times, peri-spoke inflammatory processes were reduced by 4.2%.
Conclusion. The recommended treatment method, in contrast to the traditional one, showed the most positive result. Due to the simplified version of the apparatus and a small number of components, it is less traumatic thereby reducing the number of complications.


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