
  • Larisa Yu LUKHNOVA Ayikimbayev National Research Center for Highly Infectious Diseases
  • Uinkul A IZBANOVA Ayikimbayev National Research Center for Highly Infectious Diseases
  • Toktasyn K ERUBAEV Ayikimbayev National Research Center for Highly Infectious Diseases
  • Tatyana V MEKA-MECHENKO Ayikimbayev National Research Center for Highly Infectious Diseases
  • Saule F SHARIPOVA “National Center of Expertise” of the Quality and Safety Committee
  • Erlan B SANSYZBAYEV Ayikimbayev National Research Center for Highly Infectious Diseases
  • Altyn K RYSBEKOVA Ayikimbayev National Research Center for Highly Infectious Diseases
  • Nurkeldy A TUREBEKOV Ayikimbayev National Research Center for Highly Infectious Diseases
  • Vladlena Yu SUSHCHIKH Ayikimbayev National Research Center for Highly Infectious Diseases
  • Gulbostan K KIM Ayikimbayev National Research Center for Highly Infectious Diseases
  • Akbota A ABIYEVA Ayikimbayev National Research Center for Highly Infectious Diseases
  • Nursultan U KUNZHAN Ayikimbayev National Research Center for Highly Infectious Diseases
  • Galymzhan T TAZHIBAEV “Deloite” LLP



anthrax, soil-dwelling, risk of infection, sanitary protection zone


In the structure of the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan (RK) according to the latest statistics, the growth rate of industrial development is noted. Growth of industrial production in the regional context was provided in 14 regions out of 16. The mining sector provides more than 2.9% of employment and 18% of gross value added in the economy. The development of industry of Kazakhstan requires the development of new territories, which is often difficult due to the presence of soil-dwelling of anthrax (anthrax animal burial sites). The territory of Kazakhstan is unfavorable for anthrax. Complete elimination of the infection is not possible due to the existence of soil-dwelling of anthrax.
The article is devoted to assessing the risk of infection of people and animals on the territory of the soil-dwelling of anthrax and the possibility of reducing the sanitary protection zone (SPZ) in connection with the development of industrial enterprises.
Aim. Laboratory-diagnostic analyses of samples of soil, groundwater, risk assessment of infection of people and animals on-site soil-dwelling of anthrax for the scientific substantiation of safe reduction of the SPZ soil-dwelling of the anthrax, which is located at an industrial facility.
Methods. Samples and groundwater collection was carried out in accordance with the guidelines. The properties of the strains isolated from the samples were studied in accordance with generally accepted methods. To achieve this aim, the following methods were used to study samples for the presence of the causative agent of anthrax: bacteriological, biological, serological (fluorescence immunoassay, indirect hemagglutination test), genetic (PCR). The risk of infection was assessed on the territory of the soil-dwelling (Aktobe region, Khromtau district, Khromtau) of anthrax using data on the epizootic and epidemic situation of anthrax.
Results and discussions. Comprehensive studies of soil, surface and groundwater have been carried out. In bacteriological studies of soil samples in crops on the Hottinger's agar, single large, flat, matte-gray rough colonies with uneven edges and fringed processes were found. It was determined that all allocated isolates are typical soil microorganisms of Bacillus cereus involved in soil mineralization. There is no anthrax agent in the samples.
We have assessed the risk of infection of people and animals in the territory of the soil-dwelling of anthrax. It was determined that there is a low risk of infection of susceptible animals and people with anthrax on the territory of a soil-dwelling located in the Khromtau district, Aktobe region on the territory of an industrial facility.
Conclusions. To solve the problem of safe reduction of the SPZ of the soil-dwelling of anthrax in order to expand the activities of an industrial enterprise, it is recommended to conduct a systematic microbiological monitoring of the soil center territory for three years by taking at least 200 soil, groundwater and groundwater samples, followed by an investigation of the presence of the bacillus anthracis and risk assessment of infection of humans and animals with the causative agent of infection.


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