
  • Sauirbay B SAKHANOV Astana Medical University
  • Dulat K TUREBAEV Astana Medical University
  • Dariyana M KULMIRZAEVA National Center of Neurosurgery
  • Saltanat N URAZOVA Astana Medical University
  • Akmaral К AMANSHAYEVA Central Asian Cancer Institute
  • Zarina A BILYALOVA Central Asian Cancer Institute
  • Saken K KOZHAKHMETOV Central Asian Cancer Institute
  • Nurbek S IGISSINOV Eurasian Institute for Cancer Research



Crohn's disease, incidence, trends, Kazakhstan


Crohn's disease (CD) is a chronic inflammatory disease of the gastrointestinal tract with an increasing incidence worldwide and widespread in industrialized countries, while the incidence is also increasing in Asia and the Middle East.

Purpose of the study. To study the epidemiological aspects of the incidence of CD in Kazakhstan. Material and methods. The study for 2013-2018, analyzed the registration and reporting forms of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan on new cases of CD (ICD: K50) using descriptive and analytical methods of biomedical statistics.

Results. During the study period, 4,671 new cases of CD were registered in Kazakhstan, of which 341 (7.9%) in children under 15 years old, 84 (2.0%) in adolescents (15-17 years old) and adults (18 years old and older) – 4,226 cases (90.9%). The incidence of CD in Kazakhstan was 4.5 per 100,000 of the total population, while in children – 1.210/0000 (95% CI=1.09-1.32), in adolescents – 2.120/0000 (95% CI=1.47-2.77) and the adult population – 5.860/0000 (95% CI=3.20-8.53). The trends in the CD incidence as a whole in the entire population had a pronounced tendency to decrease (Тde=−30.3%), a slight increase was observed only in the child population (Тin=+1.1%), and in other studied groups they decreased: in adolescents – Тde=−11.9% and in the adult population – Тde=−33.8%.

Conclusion. The study has revealed some aspects of incidence in different age groups and the established trends require further study of this pathology.


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