hexavalent and trivalent chromium, insulin resistance, redox state, insulin receptor, alimentary obesity, diabetes.Abstract
The conception of probable alimentary chromium role in connection with metabolic reasons emergence of insulin resistance in the alimentary obesity and type 2 diabetes is represented. The violation of insulin receptors structural organization and conformation with these pathological conditions in connection with redox states of chromium is supposed. Based on information from general chemistry and chromium metabolism, higher biological activity of hexavalent chromium when compared to the activity of trivalent chromium is assumed in insulin-resistant conditions.
Aim. To analyze the literature data on the a supposed participation of chromium in food and chromium nutraceuticals in connection with insulin resistance at the metabolic level.
Material and methods. The analysis of the literature was carried out by the method of manual search and selection of the most important and significant for the analyzed issue monographs and articles up to 60 years in depth. The search criteria were works directly related to the association of food chromium with the insulin-dependent metabolic response of cells and the activity of insulin receptors. No works published over the past 10 years that introduce principled novelty and are of principled importance for the present problem have not been identified.
Results and discussion. The concept of the supposed participation of chromium as an essential element in connection with the metabolic reasons for the formation of insulin resistance and the structural organization of insulin receptors depending on the redox state of chromium is presented.
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