
  • Medet T TOLEUBAYEV «Астана медицина университеті» ҚеАҚ
  • Mariya V DMITRIYEVA «Астана медицина университеті» ҚеАҚ
  • Saken K KOZHAKHMETOV Central Asian Cancer Institute
  • Nurbek S IGISSINOV Халықаралық медицина жоғары мектебі
  • Talgat M OMAROV «Астана медицина университеті» ҚеАҚ
  • Yermek B NIGMET Питтсбург университеті




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The efficacy of recombinant human erythropoietin (EPO) is being studied in the context of wound management. The ability of EPO to stimulate cell proliferation was found, which is of great importance in the complex process of wound healing.

The aim of this study is to evaluate the results of using EPO for wound healing in a rat model.

Material and methods. We examined 24 wounds simulated in the interscapular region of a rat, which were divided into 2 groups: a group with standard treatment, a group with EPO treatment at a dosage of 400 IU/kg, s/c. Planimetry of the wound was performed at the appointed time. Also, histological examination of wound tissue samples was carried out.

Results. Differences in reduction and change in wound size in the EPO group were more significant than in the standard treatment group.

Conclusions. The experiment demonstrated an improvement in wound healing with EPO treatment compared with standard treatment, which led to a decrease in wound size and a shorter healing period.


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