
  • Yerkezhan N ZHADYKOVA Astana Medical University
  • Sauirbay B SAKHANOV Central Asian Cancer Institute
  • Dulat K TUREBAYEV Astana Medical University
  • Dariyana М KULMIRZAYEVA National Centre for Neurosurgery
  • Saltanat N URAZOVA Astana Medical University
  • Akmaral К AMANSHAYEVA Central Asian Cancer Institute
  • Zarina A BILYALOVA National Centre for Neurosurgery
  • Saken K KOZHAKHMETOV Central Asian Cancer Institute
  • Nurbek S IGISSINOV Eurasian Institute for Cancer Research Public Association




incidence, colorectal cancer, mortality, early diagnosis, neglect, morphological verification


About 3.15 million new cases of colorectal cancer (CRC) are predicted and it is expected that about 1.62 million human will die from this pathology, according to the forecasts of the International Agency for Research on Cancer in 2040. To this aim, an analysis studying studying the indicators of the oncological service for CRC also makes it possible to evaluate the ongoing anti-cancer measures in East Kazakhstan region.

Aim. Evaluate some indicators of the oncological service at CRC in East Kazakhstan region in 2009 to 2018.

Materials and methods. The research material was data from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan – annual form No. 7 and 35 regarding CRC (ICD 10 – C18-21) for 2009-2018 in East Kazakhstan region – incidence, mortality, early diagnosis, neglect, morphological verification. A retrospective study using descriptive and analytical methods of biomedical statistics was used as the main method.

Results and discussion. For 2009-2018, 3,661 new cases of CRC were registered in East Kazakhstan region for the first time. The incidence of CRC was 25.30/0000 and in dynamics tended to increase from 21.90/0000 (2009) to 25.70/0000 in 2018, the difference was statistically significant (t=1.99 and p=0.047). The mortality rate from CRC tended to decrease from 15.50/0000 to 14.70/0000 (p=0.591), and the average annual mortality rate from CRC was 15.60/0000. The indicators of early diagnosis (the proportion of patients with stage I-II) improved from 58.8% (2009) to 62.3% in 2018, and, accordingly, the indicators of the proportion of neglected patients significantly decreased with stage III (from 25.5% to 20.8%), while with stage IV (from 15.7% to 16.9%) there is a slight increase. The indicators of morphological verification in CRC improved from 90.5% to 98.6% during the studied years.

Conclusion. An improvement in the indicators of morphological verification and early diagnosis of CRC was found. The obtained results are recommended to be used for monitoring anti-cancer measures in the region.


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