
  • Nazira A ZHARKINBEKOVA South Kazakhstan Medical Academy



chronic cerebral ischemia, chronic cerebral circulatory insufficiency, vascular comorbidity, ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate, Mexidol


Chronic cerebral ischemia (hereinafter CCI) is one of the leading causes of morbidity, mortality and disability in the Republic of Kazakhstan. According to the data from Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the overall morbidity of the country’s population due to diseases of the circulatory system registered in health care organizations has increased almost three times from 1998 to 2017 over the past 20 years. According to world publications, the average CCI incidence rate is relatively high on a global scale and occurs in two-thirds of people over 65 years old; it is also observed in 50% of people who are 50 to 65 years old and in 25% of people aged 45 to 50.
Purpose. To review of epidemiological data, risk factors, causes, pathogenetic mechanisms, diagnostic algorithms and principles of treatment of Chronic сеrebral ischemia.
Material and methods. The literature review on Chronic сеrebral ischemia data was conducted using the Pubmed search engine in Medline electronic databases from 2009 to 2019.
Results and discussion. A total of 45 research papers were included. This review examines epidemiological data, risk factors, causes, pathogenetic mechanisms, diagnostic algorithms and principles of therapy for Chronic сеrebral ischemia disease. In the etiopathogenesis of Chronic сеrebral ischemia, a significant part is played by the combination of risk factors known as vascular comorbidity and being the main cause of deaths. Vascular comorbidity is characterized by the involvement into a single pathological process of all risk factors that form Chronic сеrebral ischemia, which lead to a change in cerebral circulation with hypoxia of the brain substance and a cascade of biochemical changes, and subsequently results in diffuse, multi-focal changes in the brain substance. In a case of comorbidity of the atherosclerotic process with dyslipidemia, narrowing of the lumen of the arteries with an increase in the permeability of their wall membranes can be observed, with further damage to the endothelium, activation of synthesis by leukocytes, platelets, endotheliocytes of chemotaxis factors, kinins, growth factors, with the accumulation of active oxygen, peroxidation with the formation of oxidative stress. Chronic сеrebral ischemia therapy with vascular comorbidity, in which all risk factors are В тексте переправлены стилистические и ортографические ошибки. involved in a single pathological process, provides the prevention of polypragmasia, and the assignment of certain pathogenetic drugs aimed at the same pathogenesis that leads to the formation of Chronic сеrebral ischemia.
Conclusion. The use of antioxidants/antihypoxants is the most rational drug therapy for CCI. Such pathogenetic drugs include antioxidant therapy. Among other antioxidants/antihypoxants used in routine practice, Mexidol (ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate) is characterized with the strongest evidence base.


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