
  • Moldir YERLANKYZY Astana Medical University
  • Sauirbay B SAKHANOV Astana Medical University
  • Dulat K TUREBAYEV Astana Medical University
  • Dariyana M KULMIRZAYEVA Central Asian Cancer Institute
  • Saltanat N URAZOVA Astana Medical University
  • Akmaral К AMANSHAYEVA Central Asian Cancer Institute
  • Zarina A BILYALOVA Central Asian Cancer Institute
  • Nurbek S IGISSINOV Eurasian Institute for Cancer Research



thyroid cancer, incidence, Kazakhstan


Thyroid cancer (TC) is the most wide spread malignant tumor of the endocrine glands. According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer, more than 586,200 new cases of TC were registered in the world in 2020. However spatial arrangement of this disease indicates a different distribution of this pathology all over the world.

The aim to assess the peculiarities of the incidence of TC in Kazakhstan.

Materials and methods. The study was retrospective – the study period was 10 years (20092018). The material for the study was data of new cases of TC. In the research were used descriptive and analytical methods of oncoepidemiology.

Results and discussion. We found out that the average age of patients with TC in women (51.8±0.2 years) were less than in men (53.2±0.5 years). The crude rate and standardized incidence rates in women (5.4±0.40/0000 and 5.1±0.370/0000, respectively) were higher than in men (0.9±0.10/0000 and 1.1±0.10/0000, respectively). Age-related indicators of the incidence of TC were characterized by a peak in 60-69 years – 4.21±0.200/0000 in men and 15.37±1.210/0000 in women. Trends in morbidity tended to increase in both women (Tg=+7.8%) and men (Tg=+5.0%).

Conclusion: Age and gender features of TC incidence were established in the whole country. The obtained data are recommended for use in planning anti-cancer activities.


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